Hash tag this, hash tag that, hash tag, hash tag, hash tag. The only hash tag that mattered was #weddingweekendactivated. If you have Instagram, please check it out.
It was a weekend to remember for sure! People come all over the globe from the likes of Australia for this, high profile celebrity coming through. Everyone coming together for this special occasion of my very GREAT friends Aldrich Galimba and Jessica Nix.
This moment has been long anticipated event for years.
These are not the official photographs of the wedding. Go visit Talia Studio for those. She has amazing photos. I just happened to bring my camera along for the ride, just like every other time. The only difference about this time, I have a new lens. A lot of my shots have been really tight, close due to my 50mm and 100mm lens, now I have a Canon 20mm f/2.8 lens. Pretty fun lens to have in the bag. Instead of editing my pictures through Lightroom 3, I upgraded to Lightroom 4. So much better than 3. So I played around with some photos, I know they're not perfect but it's the memory behind the photo that I enjoy.
Back to the weekend. It all started with the wedding rehearsal at St. Michael's church. I had work that day, but was lucky enough to leave early to meet up. Easy walk through. Took an hour, and yeah I snapped some pictures. Not too many.
Karl Strauss Brewery in Mira Mesa was the rehearsal dinner with had a bunch of family friends just enjoying ourselves. Then that's where I found out we had a celebrity within our presence. Country singer Zac Brown Band was among us. It's crazy, cause it wasn't the first time I've met the guy. I know him as Jason, the big guy who snores REALLY loud. Cool dude. I guess he's Jess' cousin. Out of all people, Aldrich had to tell me it was Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band. NO SHIT!!!! Jess doesn't like telling he's a celebrity. She wants him to enjoy his vacation which I'm sure everyone would respect. It was great talking cameras among Jive and Zac Brown Band aka Jason. After hitting up beers after beers, it was time to round up the troops. The future bride and groom split their ways for the night to soon meet up the next day.
The groomsmen and groom stayed at a fresh spot off El Cajon Blvd called La Frette. It was like a condo that was haunted. It seemed old school with a couple flat screens. We just continued the guy's party there. People were starting to pass out. If you want to see pictures and videos of what happened, ask J Pang. Funny stuff. Time to get ready for the big day now!
The actual wedding day is here!! Saturday, October 27th, 2012. #weddingweekendactivated
It's a wedding. Beautiful. If you weren't there, you missed out. Me and Princess, I don't even know if that's her real name. We were secondary sponsors and had the honor to put the cord on the couple during the ceremony. I don't know what it signifies but its pretty important to the Filipino weddings. Weddings...they say "I do" family sheds tears and we're off the the reception.
The reception is where majority of the photos came from. Drunk-ness on my part. I took pictures, people stole my camera and took pictures. It was all fun. Open bar, great music, photo booth by TaliaStudio.com. We rocked the dance floor til midnight where things started to hit reality and no one couldn't party all night. Hahaa. Luckily I crashed at the Shearaton hotel with some other buddies. It's awesome to see so many familiar faces over the weekend. I know its hard to schedule everyone to see each other because of school, work, significant others, or because they live freaking in Texas or Oregon. But I'm glad to see my Oregon friends like Steph and Pete, Francis from Texas, and other the old school Escondido hommies. There are too many stories to tell on this entry. Let's just say we'll be talking about this for a while and it will be an anchor to many laughs and conversations.
I NEED TO PRINT these picture. If there is a certain picture I need to print, leave a comment. Cause honestly, I can't print all 250 photos. I'd like to take the top 50 to frame or add to a photo album. Maybe I should make a Costco hardbound photo book. I certainly have enough photos. I can't wait to see Talia's photos too!!! Leave some love for her at her site. Tell Amelia I said hi....shes too adorable not to hug.
This video is the montage that kinda messed up. I don't want to talk about it....here it is.
Al and Jess' Wedding Montage from Ryan Florido on Vimeo.
#weddingweekendactivated from Ryan Florido on Vimeo.
These are not the official photographs of the wedding. Go visit Talia Studio for those. She has amazing photos. I just happened to bring my camera along for the ride, just like every other time. The only difference about this time, I have a new lens. A lot of my shots have been really tight, close due to my 50mm and 100mm lens, now I have a Canon 20mm f/2.8 lens. Pretty fun lens to have in the bag. Instead of editing my pictures through Lightroom 3, I upgraded to Lightroom 4. So much better than 3. So I played around with some photos, I know they're not perfect but it's the memory behind the photo that I enjoy.
Back to the weekend. It all started with the wedding rehearsal at St. Michael's church. I had work that day, but was lucky enough to leave early to meet up. Easy walk through. Took an hour, and yeah I snapped some pictures. Not too many.
Karl Strauss Brewery in Mira Mesa was the rehearsal dinner with had a bunch of family friends just enjoying ourselves. Then that's where I found out we had a celebrity within our presence. Country singer Zac Brown Band was among us. It's crazy, cause it wasn't the first time I've met the guy. I know him as Jason, the big guy who snores REALLY loud. Cool dude. I guess he's Jess' cousin. Out of all people, Aldrich had to tell me it was Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band. NO SHIT!!!! Jess doesn't like telling he's a celebrity. She wants him to enjoy his vacation which I'm sure everyone would respect. It was great talking cameras among Jive and Zac Brown Band aka Jason. After hitting up beers after beers, it was time to round up the troops. The future bride and groom split their ways for the night to soon meet up the next day.
The groomsmen and groom stayed at a fresh spot off El Cajon Blvd called La Frette. It was like a condo that was haunted. It seemed old school with a couple flat screens. We just continued the guy's party there. People were starting to pass out. If you want to see pictures and videos of what happened, ask J Pang. Funny stuff. Time to get ready for the big day now!
The actual wedding day is here!! Saturday, October 27th, 2012. #weddingweekendactivated
It's a wedding. Beautiful. If you weren't there, you missed out. Me and Princess, I don't even know if that's her real name. We were secondary sponsors and had the honor to put the cord on the couple during the ceremony. I don't know what it signifies but its pretty important to the Filipino weddings. Weddings...they say "I do" family sheds tears and we're off the the reception.
The reception is where majority of the photos came from. Drunk-ness on my part. I took pictures, people stole my camera and took pictures. It was all fun. Open bar, great music, photo booth by TaliaStudio.com. We rocked the dance floor til midnight where things started to hit reality and no one couldn't party all night. Hahaa. Luckily I crashed at the Shearaton hotel with some other buddies. It's awesome to see so many familiar faces over the weekend. I know its hard to schedule everyone to see each other because of school, work, significant others, or because they live freaking in Texas or Oregon. But I'm glad to see my Oregon friends like Steph and Pete, Francis from Texas, and other the old school Escondido hommies. There are too many stories to tell on this entry. Let's just say we'll be talking about this for a while and it will be an anchor to many laughs and conversations.
I NEED TO PRINT these picture. If there is a certain picture I need to print, leave a comment. Cause honestly, I can't print all 250 photos. I'd like to take the top 50 to frame or add to a photo album. Maybe I should make a Costco hardbound photo book. I certainly have enough photos. I can't wait to see Talia's photos too!!! Leave some love for her at her site. Tell Amelia I said hi....shes too adorable not to hug.
This video is the montage that kinda messed up. I don't want to talk about it....here it is.
Al and Jess' Wedding Montage from Ryan Florido on Vimeo.
#weddingweekendactivated from Ryan Florido on Vimeo.
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