Thursday, March 3, 2011

Suicide Girl

(Click the link above^^)

This is a new goal for this year. I met this girl a couple months back, super cool chick, who's hot too (always a positive). We met through mutual friends. We got to talking and she has some interesting tattoos scattered throughout her body, all located in subtle places. All of them have a story or something meaningful to her, which I can only appreciate. I honestly hate tattoos without anything thought. If you're gonna get a tattoo, which is permanent, it might as well hold some kind of significance to you. If you were to see her, you wouldn't expect to see tattoos. However, she has been a fan of suicide girls forever. I know suicide girls sound extreme, it isn't. It empowering for women who are independent and sexy, but with attitude. Tattoos and piercing is a showcase of the strong and feminine side of suicide girls.

This is an opportunity to expand my work. It is something new to me. It'll be more complex compared to what I'm normally shooting. So I'm stoked about this experience. Hopefully picture will come out soon.

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